

EVOLIFT can supply original spare parts for all brands of cranes and construction equipment, as well as it can suggest parts list, especially in the sale of used cranes, that would be the completion of the negotiation.

It offers its customer the opportunity to restore the crane in a short time, having already in place the necessary equipment, and avoiding the construction site stop.

Fill the following form to request specific parts you need, or send an email to

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direct line


Head office : Via dell’Artigianato 2 , Z.I.Paludi - 32016 ALPAGO (BL) - ITALIA
Registered office : Via Al Lago, 67 - 32016 ALPAGO (BL) – ITALIA
PI: 01235980255 - CF: 01235980255 - REA: BL - 421612
Tel: +39 334 2399887 - E-mail:
Capitale sociale interamente versato 10.000€