EVOLIFT is a company specializing in the supply of lifting and construction equipment such as cranes, mobile cranes, platforms, trucks and more, providing all the services related to the sale or rental as assembly, service and transportation.
Operating in a worldwide contest, EVOLIFT will guarantee an excellent service and timely response to your every request.
Head office : Via dell’Artigianato 2 , Z.I.Paludi - 32016 ALPAGO (BL) - ITALIA
Registered office : Via Al Lago, 67 - 32016 ALPAGO (BL) – ITALIA
PI: 01235980255 - CF: 01235980255 - REA: BL - 421612
Tel: +39 334 2399887 - E-mail: info@evolift.it
Capitale sociale interamente versato 10.000€